Contracting Services provides contractual administrative oversight of design and renovation projects, deferred maintenance, and Major & Minor Capital Improvement Projects for Design & Construction and Facilities Management as well as other campus departments.

Our services include the review of specifications, the development and coordination of contract documents, bidding and award of projects, and the execution and administration of all levels of agreements.

Considering the duties and responsibilities of the contractor, it is possible to list issues such as determining the construction area, controlling the income-expenditure mechanism and managing the construction process. When it comes to contracting services, only building construction comes to mind. However, the scope of contracting services is not that narrow.

Those who think that contracting services are only about building a building should consider the following. For example; Issues such as determining the construction site, purchasing construction materials and controlling the workforce are handled within the scope of contracting services.

Contracting services have also come to the fore in urban transformation , which is one of the current issues of recent times . To take the right steps, it is beneficial to get the best contracting service company. References always highlight quality.

The scope of contracting services is quite wide. Essentially, the most important point to consider is the land on which the construction will be built and the structure of the land.

There are some points to consider before receiving contracting services . You should remember that you should be careful about the construction and recycling of your home. Otherwise, a small mistake may cause irreversible problems. Therefore, it is important to find the company that provides the best contracting service . The better the contractor company, the faster and higher quality the service you will receive.

Some companies that provide contracting services try to provide these services without having sufficient capital, knowledge, experience and equipment. However, the contracting service, which is seen as simple and narrow in scope, has quite painful processes.

Occupational safety and health is the most important part of contracting service.

You will not be happy working with a company that does not pay attention to occupational safety. On the other hand, there are some features that companies providing contracting services must have. These:


It is much better to work with a company that provides contracting services with strong references than companies with strong references. Seeing the work done before mirrors the work that will be done for you.


Financial Strength:
Having the financial power required for contracting services is a way to complete your project more quickly. Moreover, it is not possible to produce quality work without financial support.


Workforce Ownership:
If you have the necessary financial power, you need to create specialized staff and need architects, engineers and construction masters to realize your projects. Having a workforce contributes positively to your references.