Our company has all kinds of;
Road construction, High Speed Train, Tunnel, Interchange, Infrastructure, Superstructure, Bridge, Construction, Hydroelectric Power Plants contracting service applications continued and became one of the industry leaders in its field.

When we started in 1994, we were a few people. If today; We form a group that combines the efforts of 300-400 people. The company has ISO 9001:2008 certificate. Our work continues for the international TES standard 13.108-1. Our aim; Our aim is to grow and continue on our way with faith by maintaining our reliability in the face of the individuals and companies whose work we do, outsource business to and with whom we cooperate.

On this occasion, we would like to thank all our members for their efforts and those who trusted and supported us.


Aiming to minimize the environmental impact of all our activities in the CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING SECTOR, based on the principle of “RESPECT FOR NATURE”, the management of our company will constantly be careful not to harm the environment and will seek ways to protect natural resources.

It accepts and undertakes to provide training to all our employees in order to continuously improve the Environmental Management System we have established and to prevent environmental pollution, to ensure the continuity of training, to comply with the current environmental legislation and administrative regulations and other conditions to which it is subject.